Pilot Level & Suitability
These XC trips are suitable for pilots who have good thermalling skills and have flown XC flights of at least 20kms.
This intensive trip is designed to give you much more knowledge in Cross country flying and glider control as possible, it will enable you to fly in thermals, and on XC’s, with a better understanding of coring, decision making and route planning etc. With this new knowledge & skill, you will be able to focus on the positive aspects of flight like finding lift and flying further.
To make the most out of this trip, you need to have flown one minimum XC flight of 20kms and have logged at least 50hrs airtime as a pre-requisite.
We do not guide pilots into landings, this you do yourself, making sure that you always have an easy landing option throughout your flight, if you are tired and want to land, or don’t like the conditions, or just lose the lift. Please go and land if you feel tired.